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Die Standards


The purpose of the Die Standardization Manual is to set guidelines for the estimation and build of tools supplied to Hatch Stamping Company. We believe that adherence to this manual helps our tool vendor base estimate equivalent tooling, thus providing Hatch Stamping Company, with the best quality tools at the most competitive costs.


The Die Standardization Manual is to be used for all estimating and building of tools supplied to Hatch Stamping Company, unless specified, in writing by the Engineering Manager.


It is the responsibility of the Engineering Manager to assure that the Die Standardization Manual is continually updated with Hatch Stamping’s desires to establish, for manufacturing, the most productive tools for the cost provided.

It is the responsibility of Document Control to assure that each manual is given a sequential number. The Administrator is to keep a ongoing log of the beneficiaries of this manual and the adjacent number. At any time the manual is updated, it is the responsibility of the Administrator to distribute an amendment of the section that was changed to the vendors. The vendors will then replace the old section with the revised section in their manuals.



Hatch Stamping brainstormed the different areas comprising tool build. A consensus agreement was then arrived at this manual was formulated. If at anytime a better method of build or design is derived at, it can be submitted in writing to the Engineering Manager of Hatch Stamping Company, and a meeting will be scheduled with the Process Engineers to either update the manual or turn the idea down. If updated, all manuals distributed will be updated with an amendment to the section that was changed.


Section Topic

- Approvals and Revisions

- Introduction (Purposes, Scope, Responsibility, Method)

- Index

I Supplier Responsibilities

II General Design Standards

III Die Safety Requirements

IV Die Sets and Material

V Transfer Die Requirements

VI Die Approval Procedure

VII Press Specifications

VIII Die Protection

- Non-Functional Die Design Checklist

- Functional Die Design Checklist

- Preliminary Die Approval (300 pcs)

Section Topic

A Percentage Completion Guidelines

Supplier Responsibilities Section I

1 Purchase orders for all new tooling will be based upon firm quotations from suppliers.

The supplier will submit quotations on a timely basis and will clearly identify the process or tool line up upon which the quote is based. All quotes are to include approximate die sizes, material usage and number of stations.

If the quote is based upon a process or tool line up supplied by Hatch Stamping Company it will be assumed that the supplier is in agreement with the process unless exceptions are noted on the quote.

1.1 The tooling supplier will be responsible for adherence to the standards and procedures set forth in this manual unless otherwise agreed upon in writing with Hatch Stamping Company Tool Engineer and the Engineering Manager.

1.2 The supplier will be responsible for tooling capability under production conditions to produce the part/s to the blueprint requirement in its entirety.

The supplier must state any exceptions on the quotation and withhold acceptance of the purchase order until all such issues are settled.

Confirmation of Hatch Stamping purchase orders indicate acceptance of the orders as written and will supersede any exceptions, terms or conditions stated on the quote.

Fabricated inserted heel blocks may be required for heavy lateral load designs.

4.6 Cam slides, cam drivers and back up blocks are to be O~1 (OHTS) tool steel. RC 58/60. In extreme cases cam driver wear surfaces to be AMPCO58/60.

4.7 Details which are subject to abrasive wear or galling must be coated according to Hatch Stamping Company, Engineer.

Transfer Die Requirements Section V

Note: All requirements outlined in sections I-VIII (1-8) which apply to progressive and single operation dies will also apply to transfer dies except for the following:

5.0 Hatch Stamping Company will specify the transfer unit intended for the project along with the process layouts which clearly indicate methods of producing the blank and transferring though the die.

Quotations will be based upon the process submitted and it will be assumed that the tool supplier is in agreement with the process unless otherwise stated on the quote.

5.1 Hatch Stamping Company will supply the transfer unit and any other support equipment not included in the suppliers tooling quote to the supplier on a consignment basis unless otherwise agreed upon.

5.2 The Tool Supervisor will work directly with the transfer unit and support equipment supplier and will jointly responsible for the design, function and workmanship by the completed date.

5.3 Tryout samples may be made by transferring the parts by hand in cases where the transfer unit can not be fitted to the tool suppliers press, however, the final initial sample run will be made per the final approval procedures in Section VI, Die Approval Procedure.

Die Approval Procedure Section VI

6.0 Tools are to have a preliminary buy off at the tool shop. After the tool shop has approved the parts on a certified gage and six piece layout, a run off is started with Hatch Stamping Company personnel present. This run off is to be 300 pieces and is made to insure parts fit the fixture consistently and die intent has been met. A lesser quantity of parts can be granted with Hatch Stamping Company. Engineering and Quality Departments approvals.

6.2 Dies which produce multiple parts will require sample submission on each part including requirements from above.

6.3 Original die and detail drawings are to be updated to reflect any changes made up to the delivery date and submit to Hatch Stamping Company, before final approval can be granted. All final drawings must be received before payment.

6.4 The die approval check list shown at the back of this manual will be submitted to the tool supplier immediately following the final initial sample run.

Any reasons for rejection will be shown on the report.

Die tryout / approval for to be signed by all required departments prior to final payment.

Tools are required to have preliminary by off at the tool shop, including a three (3) piece 100% layout and a thirty (30) piece capability study. Hatch Stamping personal to be present for buy off. Deviation from this process requ

Fabricated inserted heel blocks may be required for heavy lateral load designs.

4.6 Cam slides, cam drivers and back up blocks are to be O~1 (OHTS) tool steel. RC 58/60. In extreme cases cam driver wear surfaces to be AMPCO58/60.

4.7 Details which are subject to abrasive wear or galling must be coated according to Hatch Stamping Company, Engineer.

Transfer Die Requirements Section V

Note: All requirements outlined in sections I-VIII (1-8) which apply to progressive and single operation dies will also apply to transfer dies except for the following:

5.0 Hatch Stamping Company will specify the transfer unit intended for the project along with the process layouts which clearly indicate methods of producing the blank and transferring though the die.

Quotations will be based upon the process submitted and it will be assumed that the tool supplier is in agreement with the process unless otherwise stated on the quote.

5.1 Hatch Stamping Company will supply the transfer unit and any other support equipment not included in the suppliers tooling quote to the supplier on a consignment basis unless otherwise agreed upon.

5.2 The Tool Supervisor will work directly with the transfer unit and support equipment supplier and will jointly responsible for the design, function and workmanship by the completed date.

5.3 Tryout samples may be made by transferring the parts by hand in cases where the transfer unit can not be fitted to the tool suppliers press, however, the final initial sample run will be made per the final approval procedures in Section VI, Die Approval Procedure.

Die Approval Procedure Section VI

6.0 Tools are to have a preliminary buy off at the tool shop. After the tool shop has approved the parts on a certified gage and six piece layout, a run off is started with Hatch Stamping Company personnel present. This run off is to be 300 pieces and is made to insure parts fit the fixture consistently and die intent has been met. A lesser quantity of parts can be granted with Hatch Stamping Company. Engineering and Quality Departments approvals.

6.2 Dies which produce multiple parts will require sample submission on each part including requirements from above.

6.3 Original die and detail drawings are to be updated to reflect any changes made up to the delivery date and submit to Hatch Stamping Company, before final approval can be granted. All final drawings must be received before payment.

6.4 The die approval check list shown at the back of this manual will be submitted to the tool supplier immediately following the final initial sample run.

Any reasons for rejection will be shown on the report.

Die tryout / approval for to be signed by all required departments prior to final payment.

Tools are required to have preliminary by off at the tool shop, including a three (3) piece 100% layout and a thirty (30) piece capability study. Hatch Stamping personal to be present for buy off. Deviation from this process requ

1.3 Delivery dates for sample submittal and completed tooling will be strictly adhered to in accordance with terms and conditions stated on the purchase order. Delivery time specified is of the essence and is traced by Hatch Stamping’s Engineering Department. Past delivery performance directly affects future jobs out sourced.

1.4 The supplier will submit weekly progress reports in a Gant chart format and will document any occurrences which threaten to delay the schedule date. See Appendix A.

1.5 The supplier will notify the responsible Tool Engineer of any requests for information regarding tooling in progress from any source outside of Hatch Stamping Company. All such requests will be handled by Hatch Stamping Company personnel.

1.6 The supplier personnel will be available to participate in advanced planning procedures on pre-source projects as scheduled within 48 hour notice.

1.7 The supplier will not divulge information relating to tool design, processing or any other business issues to any source outside of Hatch Stamping Company.

1.8 The supplier will be responsible for workmanship and quality construction regardless of specification.

1.9 Tooling aides will be furnished by the supplier and will be included in the quote price.

1.10 Hatch Stamping Company is to furnish certified / approved gage by die tryout time. Parts must fit gage before submitted for manual layout by source.

1.11 Minimum die production speeds (S.P.M) required will be stated on the inquiry and purchase order. The supplier will be fully responsible for the die performance to the minimum standard unless otherwise agreed in writing.

1.12 It is Hatch Stamping’s responsibility to provide development and tryout material with the proper certifications; however, the supplier must request material far enough in advance to receive material on a timely basis.

1.13 One complete set of perishable purchased details (pierce punches, buttons, pilots, etc.) is to be provided with tooling. *Note* Number of pilots are to be determined by number of stations in die. (A maximum of 12 required)

General Design Standards Section II

Home Press to be determined on or before strip layout approval by Hatch Stamping Company. Once determined, feed height, shut height, bottom out plate, upper out plate and parallel dimension can be made from the specifications sheet made for each press.


2.0 All process/strip layouts must be agreed in writing between Hatch Stamping Company, and the tool supplier before design begins 

2.1 All tool designs, covered by purchase orders, become the property of Hatch Stamping Company. Drawings are to be furnished upon delivery of tooling and to be to the last engineering level.

2.2 Designs will be furnished with each tool and will be drawn on standard size sheets whenever possible. Drawings will have Hatch Stamping Company title blocks, 100% detailed and a complete list of materials on stock list. Drawings are to have the following naming scheme:

D = Details

POD = Plan of Punch

POP = Plan of Die

ST = Strip Layout

SV = Section Views

SL = Stock List


Example: 116072-D-001.dwg







2.3 Quick die change features indicated in Press Specifications must be included in the design.

2.4 Purchased components are to be acquired from suggested vendor from the Vendor Approval list.

2.5 Some means to facilitate starting new strips must be included in the design, marked clearly and permanently. In cases where scrap is left in the die when starting a new strip, a tag must be affixed to the lower die with instructions to remove the scrap before the next hit.

2.6 All die details, including strippers, will be designed for removal from inside the press without un-clamping the die whenever possible. Special attention will be given to high maintenance areas for removal and replacement of details with minimal machine down time.

2.7 When dies are fitted with risers, they must be fastened from inside the die to facilitate removal.

2.8 The final tool design must be approved in writing by Hatch Stamping Company before construction begins. Such approval does not relieve the supplier of the responsibility of producing the parts to blueprint specification.

2.9 Die design information must be in Acad. The 3d information can be preferably in acad but can be in Unigraphics, Catia, step or iges. If the die is designed in Catia or Unigraphics send the native format and also the 2d must be in acad. (Listed in order of preference) with all details in separate files. Any die with a compound shape that can not be cut with a 2d mill must have 3d information ie. ( part forms special strippers with shape any thing of that nature.)

2.10 CD/Disk name is to be Hatch Job number. 


2.11 Each detail shall include a Hatch title block with pertinent information (ex.

Detail number, material type, Hatch job #, etc.).


2.12 Each detail drawing to include at least two views.

2.13 Each individual drawing to be 100% dimensioned, with dimensions to be , associative to drawing when/if translated. 

2.14 No yellow in final drawings.

2.15 Vendor MUST supply CD/Disk of die design labeled with Hatch Stamping job number, customer part number, and Vendor company name.

2.16 Designs can be in solid as long as they are 2D outputted into separate files.

2.17 Designs to come in at the same level as Hatch in AutoCAD or below; currently AutoCAD 2004.

2.18 Details and dimensions for details to be on the same layer as detail.

2.19 Upper to be separated from lower. 

2.20 All components in the upper portion of die need to be labeled (ex. U_Stripper, U_Punch Retainer etc.)

2.21 All components in the lower portion of die need to be labeled (ex. L_Die Section, L_Lower shoe etc.) 

 All clearances must be shown in cad ie. Diesections, strippers, stripper windows, die riser plates, die shoe. Every thing is to be too size made. 


2.22 Locating dowels will be press fitted in the die set and slip fitted in the hardened detail. No blind dowels without the approval of Hatch Stamping Company. Details will have appropriate jack size screw holes. Handling holes to be provided in large (heavy) or cumbersome details.

2.23 A scrap cutter must be provided on all progressive or continuous blanking dies where required by strip design. Inserted sections will be used where possible. Scrap lengths are not to exceed the height of the parallel or six (6) inches, whichever comes first.

2.24 All dies must be provided with four (4) shut height stop blocks with .050 steps in each block. Stop blocks to be two piece constructions with lower no to exceed die level. Placement must not interfere with part ejection, safety requirements or handling holes. Whenever possible, locate over riser.

2.25 Die chute mounts must be incorporated into design as required facilitating efficient removal of parts and scrap. Parts and scrap must not be mixed. Die chutes to be made from Rigitex. Whenever possible, chutes will be designed for gravity removal.

Use of compressed air of parts or scrap ejection is prohibited without written approval from Hatch Stamping Company.

2.26 One guide rail is to be solid; the other is to be adjustable.

2.27 Part ejection to be determined by Project Engineer at time of strip layout review.

2.28 Design sufficient lifters near bottom pilots to lift strip clear of pilots.

2.29 Die sections which are welded will not be accepted, unless signed off by Hatch Stamping Company Project Engineer.

2.30 Cap screw holes in die sections must be counter bored with allowance for grinding through entire die life.

2.31 All flange steels must be backed up by heel blocks. Flange steel radii to be seated whenever possible.

2.32 Trim steels should be pocketed or keyed to prevent movement unless otherwise approved by HSC.

2.33 Rotary benders manufactured by Ready Tools, Inc. may be used when design permits as per manufacturer’s recommendations and approved by Hatch Stamping Company.


.34 Weak areas of the die must be inserted for economical maintenance and

replacement costs.

2.35 All dies will be designed with clearly marked areas for brackets to facilitate handling with forklift trucks without damage to chutes or other components.

2.36 Edges of punch and die shoes must be painted a color designated by Hatch Stamping Company, Project Engineer.

2.37 All details which may have movement hampered by trapped air or lubricant must properly vented to relieve pressure.

2.37 All details which may have movement hampered by trapped air or lubricant must properly vented to relieve pressure. 

2.38 All dies must be shipped with the most recent strip properly tagged with part number and date. The strip should be securely fastened to the top of the upper die shoe. 

2.39 Backing plates and retainers for large blanking steel section can be pre-hardened steel, RC 28-45.

2.40 All cutting steels to be made from D~2 unless otherwise specified.

2.41 All cutting steels to have a minimum die life of .375.

2.42 All bypass trim areas to be provided with bypass notch of .06R .02 deep (areas to be determined at strip review).

2.43 All forming steels are to be made from D~2 unless otherwise specified.

2.44 All forms are to be inserted and adjustable while in press whenever possible.

2.45 All forms with side load forces must be heeled.

2.46 High pressure forming areas to have appropriate coating applied (to be determined at design review).

2.47 All sections, punches, and buttons that are similar in appearance are to have mistake proofing techniques used.

2.48 All sections that can be put on backwards must have mistake proofing techniques used.

2.49 Guide rails to have adjustable hardened inserts (see figure xxx as example). Inserts to be aligned with first pierce for pilots.


2.50 Purchased punches will be forged head design when punching 0.250 thick steel or thicker.

2.51 Heavy duty ball lock design punches will be used when punching steel thinner than 0.250. Light duty punches only on approval of Hatch Stamping Company.

2.52 Blanking and piercing punches must contain slug ejector pins wherever possible.

2.53 Pieced holes to be .001 under maximum hole diameter unless otherwise specified by Hatch Stamping Company, Project Engineer.

2.54 All trim punches are to have shear designed in and noted on detail prints along with angle marked on detail.

2.55 Pierce and trim punch heights must be staggered, where design permits, to minimize press shock and noise. 

2.56 Keyed slip fit die buttons for .060 or greater metal may be used at the discretion of the Hatch Stamping Company, Project Engineer.


2.57 Pilots to be Dayton “positive pick-up” style. 

2.58 All pilot holes are to have slug clearance through die shoes and parallels.

2.59 Headed pilots with minimum bushing clearance are required for tools which run parts with metal thickness in excess of 2.5 mm, or any close tolerance part, regardless of metal thickness. 


2.60 Item standard style cams are preferred alternates with approval. 


2.61 Use wear plates under all cam slides

2.62 Cam back up blocks must be keyed in.

2.63 Returning springs and rods on cams must be adequately protected from handling damage if they extend beyond the shoe.

Nitrogen Springs

2.64 Self contained (drop in) Nitro Gas springs are preferred. Manifold or plumbed nitro gas springs may be used with approval for Hatch Stamping Company. Unless otherwise approved, Standfast and Forward are the approved suppliers for gas springs.


2.65 Customer part number or other identification stamp will be included and are required by the part drawing.

2.66 All dies will include a seven (7) digit lot stamp, Marking Machine MM7 or equivalent.

2.67 All stamps must be removable. 

2.68 When die s are producing multiple parts, parts must be kept separate, and must be identified with “1” and “2” unless otherwise specified.


2.69 Strippers must be held with harden spools or keepers. Stripper bolts are not permissible. Keepers are preferred. Spools to be use only when approved by Hatch Stamping Company, and must be made removable when die is in press.

2.70 When approved for use, springs located within strippers or pads which bottom out must have cages to prevent broken spring pieces from damaging the die. Cage length is to be longer than the travel of the pad. Upper stripper pad springs must be secured with spring clips 

2.71 Install shedder pins in the stripper pads as needed to prevent web and part from adhering to the stripper and facilitate stripping extended pilots.

2.72 Provide necessary grease grooves and fittings on all sliding stripper and keeper surfaces.

2.73 Provide necessary grease grooves and fittings on all sliding stripper and keeper surfaces.

2.74 Pre-load springs must be according to manufacturer’s design recommendations for maximum spring life. 

2.75 Hardened and removable windows must be provided for efficient punch replacement.

2.76 Strippers which must be guided for precise location and support of piercing punches and / or forming details will be designed with guide posts mounted in the punch shoe and bushing in the stripper. 


3.0 Dies will be fitted with sheet metal guards on all strippers and moving parts to protect against injuries from flying debris in the event of breakage. This includes exposed return springs on cams.

3.1 All details will have unnecessary sharp corners removed. 

3.2 Single operation dies will be designed with guide posts and stop blocks in areas outside the reach of the operator during normal operation. Guide posts will remain in the bushing at the top of the stroke whenever possible.


3.3 The die will have a designated area for the placement of the press safety support block. Size and location is determined on each press drawing.

3.4 Where compressed air use is unavoidable, the devices must be located to blow away from the operator and fitted noise reducers.

3.5 All guards must be painted yellow.

3.6 Safety block areas are to be provided, painted red, and solid through die to bolster and ram. As shown per press that die is being built for.

Die Sets and Materials Section IV

4.0 Progressive dies will have four (4) post precision ball bearing construction with one pin offset.

Die designed for heavy metal blanking and forming with lateral loads will use solid bronze bushings along with fabricated inserted heel blocks.

4.1 Guide posts on progressive, transfer or continuous blanking dies will not protrude above the top surface of the punch holder in the fully closed position.

4.2 All dies must have part number painted on all four sides of the shoe (top and bottom). (2 inch minimum stencil). All die set will be stamped on the front center of the bottom shoe with the following information:

Hatch Stamping Company Part Number

Progression Tool Source

Stock Thickness Upper Weight

Stock Width Total Weight

Customer Part Number

Nitro Pressure Required

Die Property of

4.3 Provided two (2) threaded holes on each side of upper and lower shoe for handling purposes.

Thread size and placement to be suited to die set size and weight.

4.4 All dies are to have 3” high clamp areas on JIC standard centers top and bottom. This height to include any plates added to dies.

4.5 Secondary operation dies will be all steel precision sets with solid bronze bushings unless design dictates ball bearing construction.





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