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The situation and environment of China's manufacturing industry development

editor:adminpopularity:7232pubtime:2012-01-17 11:06:01

At present and in the future, China will continue to face the complex and ever-changing international environment and arduous task of domestic reform and development, the internal and external environment of the development of manufacturing industry is also different from the important changes in the past.

"Made in China by 2025," pointed out, the global pattern of manufacturing industry is facing a major adjustment, domestic environment for economic development occurred significant changes, China's manufacturing industry development must firmly seize the historical opportunity, actively respond to internal and external challenges.

Manufacturing is facing new changes

The integration of the new generation of information technology and manufacturing technology, manufacturing industry will give the world bring profound changes.

Scientific and technological innovation has always been an important force to promote the production and life style of human society. At present, information technology, new energy, new materials, biotechnology and other important fields and a forward direction and a revolutionary breakthrough in cross fusion, is causing a new round of industrial revolution, will the global manufacturing industry have a disruptive impact and change the pattern of development of the global manufacturing industry.

In particular, the new generation of information technology and manufacturing depth integration, will promote the manufacturing model, production organization and industrial patterns of profound change, intelligent service has become a new trend in the development of manufacturing industry. Pan in the connection and general fit calculation will be everywhere, virtualization technology, 3D printing, Internet industry, big data technology will be reconfigurable manufacturing industry technology system, such as 3D printing will new materials, digital technology and intelligent technology to implant the products. The products features greatly enriched and performance quality changes. In the Internet, networking, cloud computing, data and pan under the strong support of the information, manufacturers, production services, user interaction in the open and common network platform, single piece and small batch customized production will gradually replace the mass production line. Based on Information Physics system (Cyber-PhysicsSystem, CPS) intelligent plant will become the main form of future manufacturing, and the general skills will continue to be intelligent equipment and production methods are constantly replaced by.

With the focus of the industry value chain from the production side to the R & D design, marketing services, such as the transfer of industry from manufacturing to service-oriented manufacturing to change. Network public package, remote collaborative design, mass customization, precision supply chain management is building a new competitive advantage. Total life cycle management, total integrated contracting, Internet banking, e-commerce and other industries to accelerate the restructuring of the new system of value chain.

A new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial revolution also brought important opportunities for the development of manufacturing industry in china. Today, our country in quite a number of gaps in the field and the world of cutting-edge technology in minimum period of history, has the ability to parallel to follow up this round of technological revolution and industrial revolution, realize manufacturing industry transformation and upgrading and innovation development.

Global industrial structure is being reconstructed

] the global industrial structure adjustments and the rules of international trade is being reconstructed, China's manufacturing industry development facing severe external situation.

Developed countries in the high-end manufacturing reflux and low income countries compete in the low-end manufacturing transfer occurred at the same time, the formation of China's "two-way extrusion" a serious challenge. On the one hand, the high-end manufacturing sector appears to the developed countries reverse transfer trend. Manufacturing industry to become the commanding heights of global economic competition, countries have developed to revitalize the manufacturing industry as the core of the re industrialization strategy. Released in the United States, the advanced manufacturing partnership, the manufacturing innovation network plan, Germany issued the "industrial 4.0", Japan in the 2014 manufacturing industry white paper "on development of the robotics industry UK release" made in Britain by 2050 ".

At present, the manufacturing industry has begun to return to the developed countries. Such as apple has in the United States set factory production and manufacturing companies in Japan Panasonic will vertical washing machine and microwave oven production from China to transfer to Japan, sharp plans in the local production more models of LCD TV and fridge, TDK will also take part of the electronic components production from China to Japan Akita. At the same time, Vietnam, India and other Southeast Asian countries rely on resources, labor and other comparative advantage, but also began to force in the low-end manufacturing, with lower cost to undertake the transfer of labor-intensive manufacturing. Some multinational capital directly to the emerging countries to invest in factories, and some consider the Chinese factories will be moved to other emerging countries. Such as: Microsoft plans to shut down Nokia factory in Dongguan, part of the equipment transferred to Hanoi, Vietnam; Nike, UNIQLO, Samsung, funai, Foxconn and other well-known enterprises have in Southeast Asia and India opened new plants. Overall, China's manufacturing industry is facing developing countries and developed countries "high return" in the low-end triage "two-way squeeze.

In addition, the strengthening of international trade protectionism and Global trade rules are intertwined, China will also face new challenges in the international trade environment changes. First, the further strengthening of international trade protectionism.

In recent years, China has become the most serious state of the trade remedy investigation, involving $5 billion 290 million in the first half of 2014, an increase of 136% over the same period last year. It can be predicted that the future economic and trade frictions between China and developed countries and developing countries will be more intense, and the export of manufactured goods will be adversely affected. Two is the global trade rules are also in the process of restructuring. The United States strongly promote to build the trans Pacific is the world's largest free trade area (TPP), in terms of trade in services, intellectual property, labor and environmental protection of the high threshold will further weaken the cost advantage of China's industrial export products, will also affect the our country industry to implement the strategy of "going out".

In addition, the United States to promote the trans the Atlantic trade and Investment Group


Shandong Guangda Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.




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