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"Made in China 2025" power manufacturing intelligent transformation

editor:adminpopularity:4217pubtime:2012-01-17 11:06:57

2015 for the Chinese manufacturing enterprises, is doomed to be unable to calm. Under the high focus of the community, the country's attention and support for China's manufacturing industry has reached an unprecedented height. March 25, 2015, Premier Li Keqiang chaired a State Council executive meeting, stressed the need to deploy to accelerate the implementation of the implementation of China made 2025, to achieve the upgrading of the manufacturing industry. This means that the Chinese manufacturing 2025 will be officially entered the implementation stage, so how to achieve the transformation and upgrading of traditional manufacturing to intelligent manufacturing enterprises must consider the problem.

At present, the world is on the rise of a new round of Industrial Revolution: mode of production, showing a digital, networked, intelligent features; division of labor, showing a manufacturing industry to the service, specialization and integration features; industrial organization, network, platform, flattening characteristics; business model, from a vendor centric steering to consumers as the center, the individual experience and become an important source of the competitiveness of the manufacturing industry in the important embodiment and profit. At this point, the "China manufacturing 2025" planning outline of the proposed, is conducive to the guidance of China's traditional manufacturing intelligent transformation.

With the change of market demand and the development trend of manufacturing industry in developed countries, the disadvantages of the extensive development of manufacturing industry in China have become increasingly obvious. The traditional manufacturing industry to intelligent manufacturing will promote the change of manufacturing mode, intelligent manufacturing to become a new mode of production, enterprises need to actively face market challenges through intelligent manufacturing.

Consumer demand for personalized requirements of traditional manufacturing industry to break through the existing mode of production, according to the mass consumption data and information, data processing and transmission; and in the non standardized production information and data generated in the production process of a product is large, the need for timely collection, processing and transmission. These two aspects of large data information flow through the Internet in the end of the intersection of intelligent manufacturing equipment, to ensure that the production of high-quality personalized products. This determines the fusion of networking technology and manufacturing tools, and ultimately the formation of a new generation of internet intelligent manufacturing system to replace the traditional system of production.

In the face of the new trend of intelligent manufacturing to lead the information network technology innovation, and vigorously promote the two of the depth of integration has become an inevitable choice for China's manufacturing industry. At present, the manufacturing enterprise's competition is the competition of the information age under the background of globalization, the two deep fusion in promoting the manufacturing enterprise production flexibility, market responsive, fine business management and green, improve the competitiveness of enterprises plays a indispensable role. Two of the depth of integration is to enhance the overall competitiveness of manufacturing enterprises, to respond to the international environmental changes in the autonomous countermeasures, is the only way to achieve intelligent manufacturing enterprises in the economic globalization.

With the application of the Internet in the field of manufacturing industry has become increasingly widespread, "the Internet +" has become the traditional manufacturing industry to digital, intelligent transformation of the new engine. First, to promote the upgrading of the structure of manufacturing industry, smart services to become a new trend in the manufacturing industry. Two is to promote the manufacturing enterprise management innovation, intelligent management has become a new feature of the manufacturing enterprise management.

For intelligent manufacturing, the standard is indispensable. Standardized system construction is the foundation of traditional enterprises to realize intelligent manufacturing, can play a multiplier effect. Manufacturing enterprises can through the pilot demonstration, the establishment of manufacturing enterprise intelligent manufacturing standardization system, to build an intelligent manufacturing system and public service platform. At present, the rapid development of intelligent manufacturing makes the problem of the manufacturing industry standard is not consistent. In the field of manufacturing industry, there is a lack of industry based intelligent manufacturing standard. The enterprise is faced with complex technical problems when it is applied in cross system and cross platform integration. For example, a number of information systems within the enterprise due to lack of uniform standards lead to integration difficulties. Therefore, the government should lead organization industry alliances, industry associations, research institutions and enterprises joint consultation to establish a unified industry standard, laid a solid foundation for the construction of intelligent manufacturing, to promote the traditional manufacturing enterprises to intelligent manufacturing.

(source: global hardware network)


Shandong Guangda Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.




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