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Manufacturing upgrade focuses on the integration of innovation

editor:adminpopularity:4130pubtime:2012-01-17 11:07:26

At present, China's economy to enter the new normal growth of the new normal. Industrial economy has maintained a stable and rapid development in general. Since 2010 more than the United States, China has maintained the status of the world's largest manufacturing country, at present, China's manufacturing sector accounted for the proportion of the global manufacturing industry has more than 20%. From a deeper perspective, with the elements of structural change, the low cost of supporting economic growth dividend is quickly disappear.

After a long period of rapid growth, China's economy has entered a period of structural optimization, industrial upgrading. The new normal economic environment forced enterprises to change the extensive mode of development, the global manufacturing industry in the international financial crisis after a new round of economic restructuring and structural adjustment also forced the manufacturing industry towards high-end. China's manufacturing industry must develop more sensible development strategy and effective products, industrial structure, enterprise value view and organization structure of management integration, and continuously improve the core competitiveness, broaden new horizons in the commanding heights of industry competition, completes the from the early stage of industrialization of the industrial system to the late changes in the industrial system, and ultimately by the low cost advantages of the elements to the transformation of technology and brand advantages, from "big manufacturing country" to "powerful manufacturing country", a qualitative change in the industrial system.

First, improve the market led government to guide the transformation and upgrading. Proposed in the Third Plenary Session of the party, the reform of the economic system is focused on deepening reform of the overall, the core problem is to deal with the relationship between the government and the market, the market in the allocation of resources from the decisive effect and better play the role of government. There is no doubt that this thesis applies equally to the transformation and upgrading of manufacturing industry. The upgrading of industries from developed countries experience and our country's economy and system combined with the actual situation, the selection of market leading and government guidance and industrial upgrade model will effectively promote China's transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry.

Second, focus on the implementation of innovation driven development strategy. At present, a new round of technological revolution and industrial revolution in the birth of the rise, China's manufacturing industry is standing on a new starting point. Facts have proved that the transformation and upgrading of manufacturing industry must take the road of innovation driven. To achieve innovation driven, one is to give full play to the role of market selection, market driven, decentralized decision-making by the market. Two is to give full play to the main role of entrepreneurs. The three is to give full play to the role of innovation of small and medium sized enterprises. The fourth is adaptation innovation open, interdisciplinary, diversified, network characteristics, resource integration, collaborative innovation, enterprises should actively with colleges and universities, scientific research institutions, build cooperative innovation platform, innovation resource sharing, in technology research, technology transfer and training to carry out close cooperation.

Third, the industry's new trend as the development direction of the transformation and upgrading. After the long-term development of China's manufacturing industry, already have a considerable foundation and strength of the industry. With the introduction of dividend gradually disappear, China's manufacturing industry should change before the imitation and learning strategies, focusing on a high starting point, the manufacturing industry to develop new trends as the development direction of the transformation and upgrading of the target selection. One is in the means of production, the digital technology, network technology and intelligence technology applied to products R & D, design, manufacture of whole process, relationship between the links of design and manufacturing time consumption, reduce the new products to enter the market of the time cost; smart machine is widely used in production, automated production line equipment; with the help of cloud computing and other new technology and new platform, the functioning of the global industrial chain and innovation chain integration, greater use of remote design and in situ production of collaborative production mode. The second is in the mode of development, from the production of manufacturing to service-oriented manufacturing change, from the traditional product manufacturing to provide products and services to the overall solution; from the production of traditional manufacturing changes to green manufacturing, and promote the transformation of the concept of industrial design innovation and traditional technology upgrade, to achieve efficient use of energy resources and the damage to the ecological environment minimization.

Fourth, effectively play the role of management to promote the transformation and upgrading. At present, the need to promote the transformation and upgrading of management to improve the long-term mechanism, it should be strengthened from the following aspects of enterprise management. One is the transformation of the mode of management, the enterprise should from the past in kind management center, to value as the center of the management change, from passive management to active management of change, from pure of management to the things and people management combining the transformation to enhance the competitiveness of the market as the core, we use to adapt to the market demand of new management methods, the method, people-oriented, the effective use of enterprise resources, the management innovation and technology innovation and system innovation are organically combined together. Two is to continue to carry out benchmarking. Should be a reasonable choice of benchmarking benchmarking, the scientific development of objectives for improvement, it is necessary to focus on comparison and benchmark hard power, also want to pay attention to the soft power of benchmarking, both to pay attention to the comparison of the specific data, but also pay attention to the index behind the concept, methods and process of benchmarking, should have the courage to change, good digestion and absorption, truly absorbing. Three is based on information technology, give full play to the information technology to an important role in enhancing the efficiency of enterprise management, accelerate the focus in the field of information system construction and the promotion of information technology and management, product development and other aspects of the depth of integration.


Shandong Guangda Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.




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